Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sunday Drive

My husband and I took a drive out of town this past Sunday to just get out for a while and relax. We had such a nice time.

We went out to Holter Dam and after taking pictures of the deer and the windmill here,

we drove a little further and saw these mountain sheep just waiting for me to take their pictures.

They were so cooperative about posing for a long time for me.

Come to think of it, they were downright rude! They acted like I wasn't even there! Oh well. You get better shots that way!

Anyways, then we went on down to the dam and got pictures of how the water froze coming down.

That just amazes me how flowing water freezes like that. It's so neat to see.

Hope you enjoyed the recap of our trip.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Okay, this is weird...

Okay, I don't know what's going on here but my blog is being really weird. One time I look at the blogs I like to visit on the side and my daughter's and my blog is missing. I go in to the layout part and it's still there so I hit to save it and then it showed back up. Then the blogs of those I'm praying for their success disappeared. I do the same thing and then they're back. Then I look at my Crafty, Creative, Culinary ones and they're all lined up neatly with no last posting dates or pictures...just the names of the blogs. Every time I go back to my blog something like that happens. I even tried shutting my computer down and restarting it and it still did it. I don't know what to do. If anybody reads this and you have any ideas what I need to do, I'd sure appreciate your help. Thanks a bunch!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Scripture Memory #2

Well, it's that time again. I started late with the Scripture memory at Living Proof Ministries last time but actually got it memorized. I don't want this just to be memorizing Scripture but I want to really know it, believe it, hide it in my heart and live it out. That goes for all of the Scriptures that I'm learning. The new one for the next couple of weeks is found in Psalm 28:7. It says, "The LORD is my strength and my shield, my heart trusts in Him and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in song."

Be blessed,

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Walking out what we learn

We had the grandsons over last night and had a lot of fun with them. We played games and make cookies and just sat and snuggled (my favorite thing to do!) They went to church with us this morning as well. Brandon helped his Grandpa make coffee and greet people. Ethan went in with me to class. I happen to be teaching his age group right now so it was fun to have him with me. He seemed to be enjoying his time and he seemed to be paying attention and listening because when his mom came later to get him he was telling her all about it. Yay! That's always a blessing when you know they've gotten what they were supposed to from the lesson. I pray that all the other kids took to heart what they have been learning as well.
I have been working on my Scripture memory but no I don't have it down yet. I don't want to just memorize to be memorizing but to apply and learn what the Lord is showing me through His Word, to put it into action and live it out. Just as I don't want my grandson or any of the other kids in the class to just come and hear a good story and do a fun project but to take it to heart and walk it out.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Scripture Memory

Okay, like I said yesterday, I'm slow. Beth Moore and Living Proof Ministries are memorizing 2 Scriptures a month. They started on the 1st and will do another verse on the 15th. Pick a Scripture that speaks to your heart. Then go over to her site and sign up. She said it's still not too late to join them so I did. She even gives some great tips on how to memorize Scripture. Like Beth said, even if you don't memorize very well, you have still meditated on His Word all throughout the year and you will be blessed!
I chose 2 Corinthians 10:5, "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
She said to pick one that speaks to your heart and this is one that I need to deal with. My thoughts can wander all over the place and they can be somewhat critical and judgmental (not only of others but myself as well) and that's not what God wants me to do with my mind. I am to think on those things in Phil. 4:8 which should probably be the next Scripture I need to memorize. Then perhaps I will need to find a verse or two on not being so late...hmmm....

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Am I slow or what?!?!

Wow! I can't believe it's been so long since I posted. I took so many pictures at Christmas of my decorations and planned on posting about them and putting recipes on Kayla's and my recipe blog but didn't get around to either of them. I spend so much time reading all the interesting blogs of everyone else's out there that by the time I'm done then I need to get off here. I think I'll post mine first tonight and then if I have time I'll read the others. I also think I'll post some of my Christmas pictures anyways. January 7th isn't too long after Christmas, is it?!?!

This is one of the wreaths I made.

Here's a sled I painted a few years ago.

A friend of mine made this for me. It was a gift from the church. Didn't she do a beautiful job?!?! She knows I like gingerbread people so she incorporated that into the design.

This is the back of it.

I also like snowmen...

My snowman potpourri...

My snowman dishes...

This is one of my little vignettes.

Here's the cute country angel on top of my tree.

And here's my tree.

This is the front of a photo album I made for Kayla. After the baby's born and we know her name then I will add a pink background for her picture and a chipboard letter for her initial with ribbon tied around it.

Here's the back side of it.

And here's the back of the inside. For some reason the front of the inside won't show up no matter how many times I've tried... Oh well...

This is the front cover of the one I made for Heidi. Check out those cute little guys in the car...

The back of hers, or should I say part of the back of hers; for some reason this is all that will show up. I don't know what's up with that...

Here's one side of the inside. I didn't get a picture of the other side...

This is my handsome, adorable husband.

There's a place here in town that we like to visit every Christmas that has all kinds of cute Christmas displays set up. This is one of them.

It's so cool. As you drive down the road towards their home to see the displays these lights come on overhead...

And here's the most important part of my nativity and our Christmas. Thank You, LORD. You are awesome and amazing!