Friday, March 6, 2009

In case you were wondering...

Just in case you were wondering why I haven't posted in so long, well, I'll give you a little hint at what's been occupying my blog time...or should I say who's been occupying my blog time. I'd like you to meet Jordan Taylor, my precious new granddaughter.

Jordan was born February 20th at almost 1 a.m. and weighed 6 # 5 oz. and was 19 1/2" long.

Here she is with her proud parents...

And with her proud auntie (who is also pregnant and due in July)...

Her cousin, Ethan, who's 4, couldn't get enough of her. He was so excited. He didn't want to share her with his big brother when it was his turn to hold her. Of course, Papa Geno helped with the holding part.

Next it was cousin Brandon's turn. Brandon is almost 8 and he thought his new cousin was pretty neat too. He couldn't get over how soft she was and how small she was.

Of course, he had to pretend to think about it when asked what he thought of her. He wants his mommy to have one of these too. He said he will get up with her and feed her and change her every night. What a funny boy!

Here are some more with her momma and her daddy.

We love you, baby Jordan and we're so glad you're here!

Oh yeah, I guess I need to include this lady too. She is my sister, Jordan's great aunt...aka the Baby Hog"! She thinks because she lives out of town and came all the way (an hour and half away) to see her that she gets to hold her more. I think I need to find out how long she will be here because Jordan's Grandma (that's me!) wants to hold her. "Hey, Baby Hog Lady! It's my turn now."

Oh that's right, I can't take the pictures when I'm holding her. Oh well, I guess that's it for pictures today. I think I'll take my turn now... hand her over, Baby Hog! ;o)

P.S. If you want to see more on baby Jordan, check out her mommy's blog here.

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