Sunday, October 12, 2008

October Snow

Well, I woke up this morning to get ready for church and took a peek outside and there was snow everywhere! I shouldn't have been too surprised since the weather had been calling for snow this weekend and we had a touch of it the last couple of days...and this is Montana after all! I am so not ready for all the cold weather yet...okay, I'm never ready for all the cold weather...but I do have to say that it was very pretty coming down on the way to church. I think I would love winter if I could stay in all winter curled up in my recliner...with a front of the nice crackling fire...with a cup of french vanilla coffee (or hot cocoa with marshmallow creme) and just watch how beautiful it looks coming down. How about when it sparkles like diamonds everywhere and the trees look so crystally and gorgeous?!? I do like wearing my sweaters again...and homemade soups and chili...well, I guess there are some nice things about winter but I'd like it better if it didn't have to get so cold and icy and slick and start in October and go through until April or May. I guess I should focus on the good things about it especially since it's going to be here whether I like it or not. I do wish I'd thought to take a picture of it today to show you. Too late now. Maybe tomorrow it'll still be there and I can...maybe it won't! Free Smiley Face Courtesy of

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